Kelly Burdick

Born and raised outside of Chicago, I love writing in all its many forms and genres. I also love trees, birds, video games, and video game representations of trees and birds.

421 Readings on their works

Published works

Short Fiction

Hornet's Nest

Kelly Burdick

It hangs, brown and fat and drooping, its papery walls like so much windblown sand, the worker wasps on its surface like so many maggots corrupting a body. You stare up at the heavy hornet’s nest ... [+]

Long Story Short Award Fall 2020 - Short Fiction
Creative Nonfiction

Aphorisms on Memes

Kelly Burdick

The impulse to save a meme to your phone is the same force that drives cats to collect hair ties and bottle caps under the couch.
In the case of both the world and memes, all things tend toward ... [+]

Finalist - Community Long Story Short Award Fall 2020 - Creative Nonfiction